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AGM 2023

Notice of AGM

AGM Additional   Information



                      Wednesday October 25th at VBC at 1pm


                      The following Agenda is proposed -

                      Welcome & Introduction by President of the Table

                      Apologies for absence


                      Approval of Minutes of the 2022 AGM and

                      any matters arising therefrom


                      Address & Report from Secretary to the Management Committee


                      Financial Report & Presentation of Accounts by Treasurer


                      Report & review of the playing year from Club Captain


                      Election of Officers to the following positions -

                      (Please refer to the additional information sheet below )


                      Members of the Table of the AGM


                      Vice President



                      Members of the Management Committee -

                      President (Chair)



                      Club Captain


                      Members of the Fiscal Committee -

                      (and signatories to the Club accounts)

                      President (Chair)


                      Deputy Treasurer


                      Appointment of other positions as required within Club -

                      Green Manager

                      Bowls Algarve representatives

                      Tour Groups Liaison

                      Membership Records

                      Press Liaison/Advertising/Sponsorship

                      Website Controller

                      Various sub committees (social; team selections, etc)


                      Matters to be raised for discussion/Motions for debate,

                      as already advised in writing 14 days prior to AGM


                      Any Other Business              

Valverde Bowls Club AGM - additional information sheet


Please note that to form a quorum for the above we need a minimum 1/3 of the membership numbers present on the day and 2/3 of each of the 2 committees!

At present that means we need at least 23 members to be present for a quorum!


The following are, as far as we are aware, happy to be put forward for re-election:

The Committee of the AGM Table 

Vice President and Secretary - Jen Preece & Margaret Wilson

The Fiscal Committee 

President - Mel Knickle

The Management Committee

Treasurer and Club Captain - Maria Romano & Paul Frampton


Other nominations can be put forward before or at the AGM but if there are no other nominations for these posts we will seek a block nomination and second at AGM


The following posts will need filling and require acceptance by vote at AGM:

The Committee of the AGM Table


The Fiscal Committee - Secretary and Deputy Treasurer (and co signatory on the Club Bank accounts)

The Management Committee - President (of the Club) and Secretary


Nominations can be taken at AGM but it would be preferred if nominations for these posts can be put in writing AND PROPERLY PROPOSED AND SECONDED in advance of AGM to, preferably, the Secretary of AGM Table, on or to Temp Acting Sec to MC on


Any motions for debate/proposals for discussion at AGM should be advised in writing to the Secretary of the AGM Table, or Temp Acting Sec to the MC, as above NO LATER THAN 14 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF AGM

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