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FULL MEMBERSHIP     3 months: €175     6 months: €270     12 months: €420

Full members pay no green fees for use of the club green, and are entitled to attend and vote at club General Meetings and stand for election to club offices.


PAY AS YOU PLAY (PAYP) MEMBERSHIP     12 months: €85

Members pay €8 each time they play on the club green except when playing home games in the Bowls Algarve Championships; the internal Presidents Shield competition; the Spring Pairs and Anniversary Pairs competitions where the event fee includes a green charge and against visiting tour groups when a reduced fee of €3 is charged. PAYP members are entitled to attend and vote at club General Meetings and stand for election to club offices.


JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP (under 16 years of age)     12 MONTHS €100

Members pay no fees for use of the club green, and may attend but not vote at club General Meetings



Current members of other Bowls Algarve clubs when part of a league team, or visiting individually: €8 or when playing in a Bowls Algarve Championship games the fees are waived as part of reciprocal agreements

Other visitors may use the club green at club roll ups or for individual/group games for a fee of €12 per person each morning or afternoon session (with an additional €1 for the hire of a set of bowls if required); all subject to the discretion of the Club Captain.



All new membership categories are subject to the following approval process:

The applicant completes a Membership Application form, which must be countersigned by two current members.

The completed form and the appropriate fee (in cash or cheque on a Portuguese bank) must both be handed to the Club Treasurer to activate provisional acceptance, which allows the applicant to play on the club green at the appropriate green fee, but not attend or vote at club General Meetings or stand for election to club offices.

The application form will be displayed on the club notice board for 14 days, allowing any club member to comment directly to the Management Committee.

At the next Management Committee meeting after the display period, the application will be reviewed, taking into account any comments raised and their joint judgement, and will either be accepted or rejected.

The applicant will then be advised of the decision. If rejected, the applicant's fee will be refunded, less any adjustment for green fees incurred during the provisional membership. 



Existing membership is not automatically renewed. If the Management Committee decides they do not wish to accept the renewal of any member, the member will be advised and the Club Treasurer will not accept payment of the membership fee.

A membership is deemed to have lapsed within 2 years of the last expiry date. After that a new Membership Application form must be completed, which will be processed as a new member.


A copy of the Membership Application Form can be printed from here

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